This ARP 134-6027 SBC High Performance Rod Bolt Kit is for a 383 Stroker with a 350 Rod. It comes with 8740 Chromoly Steel bolts that are 200,000 psi (which is up to 5X stronger than stock)! Sold as a set of 16.
ARP 134-6027 383 SBC Rod Bolt Kit Fits:
- 383 Stroker with a 350 Rod (extra head clearance)
The most important fasteners in any engine are the connecting rod bolts! They hold the key to the entire rotating assembly. A broken bolt will lead to catastrophic engine failure. As you can imagine, the most critical joint is where the connecting rod halves mate. The rod bolts must support the primary tension loads caused by each rotation (or cycle) of the crankshaft.
The ARP 134-6027 383 SBC Rod Bolt Kit is perfect for that application!
When the crank rotates, the big end of the connecting rod essentially becomes oval-shaped and the rod bolts bend.As the crankshaft continues to rotate, the rod becomes round again. With alternating tension loads and cyclic bending of the bolts, it is very important to install fasteners that are able to exert a clamping force greater than the load imposed upon the joint (tension).
In addition to using a rod bolt with sufficient strength to withstand the loads placed upon it, it is absolutely imperative that the bolts be properly tightened. The preferred method of monitoring the correct amount of tension is through use of a stretch gauge. This is far more accurate than using a torque wrench.
Moreover, through subsequently checking the rod bolts length at tear downs, it is possible to determine if it has been stressed beyond safe limits and must be replaced.
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